Matt Christian

Actor | Writer


My name is Matt Christian. I am an actor and writer who is passionate about digging into the process of filmmaking and pushing the boundaries of every take and every scene to it’s furthest possibilities. My ambition with every role is to blur the line between actor and character and allow the truth of the human experience to overflow and take center stage - all the while staying in the moment, connecting with my scene partner and letting go of results.

They were never in our control anyway.

To me, the point of acting is to reveal one’s soul and explore every facet of the human condition through the medium of different lives and characters.

It’s not about celebrity.

It’s not about where the profession can take you.

It’s about creation, connection and expression.

Welcome. I’m so glad you’re here.

The Actor’s Vow

I will take my rightful place on the stage
and I will be myself.
I am not a cosmic orphan.
I have no reason to be timid.
I will respond as I feel;
awkwardly, vulgarly, but respond.
I will have my throat open,
I will have my heart open,
I will be vulnerable.
I may have anything or everything
the world has to offer, but the thing I need most,
and want most, is to be myself.
I will admit rejection, admit pain, admit frustration,
admit even pettiness, admit shame, admit outrage,
admit anything and everything that happens to me.
The best and most human parts of me are those
that I have inhabited and hidden from the world.
I will work on it.
I will raise my voice.
I will be heard.

~ Elia Kazan